
Movie night with friends – this is what you need to remember!

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Organizing a movie night at home is a great way to spend time together with friends. Especially when we share a common passion for watching movies. However, a seamless gathering requires a certain amount of preparation. Here are the things you should do

Prepare a cinematic neon sign

Nothing stands in the way of feeling like in a real cinema during such an improvised screening. A substitute for this will be a neon sign with the inscription “KINO”, which you can make using the DIY method. Do you need talent and sophisticated or expensive solutions for this? Of course not. All you need are letters made of papier mâché, acrylic paint, a knife, a brush, a pencil, hot glue, alkaline batteries and of course LED lights. You just need to glue the lettering together, paint it and make small holes in it where you will later insert the LED lights. An alkaline battery will provide a source of power for the illuminated sign “KINO”, which will invite guests to a joint and very promising screening.

Take care of appropriate provisions

It’s no secret that a movie is most pleasantly experienced when you can snack on something good and drink a tasty beverage. The classic on such an evening will of course be popcorn. A freshly roasted snack is always better than one that you pull ready from a plastic bag. In addition to roasted corn, regular elements of catering for a relaxed evening with a movie are crisps, sticks, and sometimes peanuts. You can also bet on garlic bread or pizza. Just juice, cola or beer to sip and you can indulge in a movie feast.

Tasty – Movie Night Snacks

Make yourself comfortable

Watching a movie at home is no fun if you don’t provide yourself and other viewers with basic viewing comfort. So you need to plan your auditorium in such a way that each of your guests not only has a good view of the TV screen or the place where the film is projected from an overhead projector, but also sits in a comfortable position. If you are not quite sure about the number of guests, you should put one or two more chairs, so that you don’t make a fuss while watching together

Make sure that the equipment is properly prepared

There are few things worse than when, just before the screening begins, it turns out that for some reason the movie doesn’t work, the projector is broken, or the screen is clearly too small for ten or more people to watch in good conditions. All technical details need to be checked beforehand – this is the host’s job

Eliminate distractions

During a home movie night, you need to make sure that all kinds of phones, tablets and other devices, ready to ring off the hook at the least opportune moment, are turned off. It’s also a good idea to remove sources of unnecessary and distracting light. It is also a good idea to make sure that the place will not be distracted by, for example, noises coming from the street.

Movie night in the garden? It can work!

It’s no coincidence that during the holiday season, movie shows held outdoors enjoy great popularity. In the warm season, you can be tempted to develop a secluded part of the garden or terrace just for a movie night with friends. However, we must be sure that our screening will not be disturbed by noises coming from the street and that we will be able to cope with the sudden appearance of rain

How to choose the best possible movie for an evening with friends?

It is known that each of us has slightly different tastes and it will probably be difficult to choose a movie that will fully satisfy all participants. However, we live in the era of the Internet and social media – perhaps an online vote would help to choose one among several titles. If that doesn’t work, I guess the draw remains. In any case, one should try to make sure that the film is well selected – whether it is a complete novelty or a work considered a classic of cinema.


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