
Why shouldn’t we mow lawns in summer?

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Hot weather, drought, low rainfall and high temperatures are not conducive to mowing grass. Experts also recommend caution when it comes to watering the lawn. 

Mowing during hot weather

Mowing lawns during high temperatures is one of the most common mistakes that can be made. Experts stress that in summer, grass should be mowed every 10 days or so, when it has grown back to a height of at least 7 centimeters. A shorter length can lead to rapid and permanent burning of the grass when mowing. Moreover, the mowing process itself should be done in the early morning or late evening, when the sun does not heat up with the greatest force, and the whole area should be watered generously when finished. Lawns, especially those located in large urban areas, are elements of small-scale retention, a system that allows to slow down the outflow of rainwater, thereby relieving the burden on the urban drainage system. In addition, lawns regulate the climate in the city, increasing humidity levels, reducing the sensation of high temperatures, absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Lawns also trap harmful dust in the air, such as dust, pollution and pollen leading to inhalation allergies. Mowing the lawn during peak heat leads to the spread of these substances and reintroduction into the air. 

Watering lawns

It turns out that in addition to several important rules to follow in the summer in the context of lawn care, watering is no less important than mowing. This process, like mowing, should be done early in the morning or late in the evening, when the air temperature will decrease and the sun will not shine so intensely. The sun’s harsh rays can cause the water to evaporate quickly and not reach the deeper layers of the soil, or lead to lawn fungus. It is estimated that a lawn needs between 20 liters and 30 liters of water per square meter per day during continuous hot weather. In practice, this means that it is best to water the lawn a few liters each day, so that the water can reach a depth of about 20 centimeters. 

Alternative solution

Lawns consisting of grass alone are a challenging decoration for any urban garden. However, there is a more ecological solution that does not require as much attention from the owner. With help come specialists from the Meadow Foundation, who for several years in many Polish cities have been promoting the replacement of classic lawns with meadow recreation areas. In practice, this means that instead of classic grass, a special seed mixture consisting of plants, flowers, perennials and grasses is sown. This creates an ecological space that needs to be mowed only once a year, when the seasonal flowers bloom. What’s more, the mixtures can be tailored to the type of soil, space and lawn area. The special seeds are part of the city’s official anti-smog strategy, decorate any space and can be prepared not only for the home garden, but also for urban green spaces, parks, green belts along streets or neighborhood lawns.

main photo: Kwak

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